Teens on the road can be unsettling to all of us. For those of us with teen drivers in our household, you may very well worry about their own inexperience or questionable driving practices. Alternatively, you may worry about others on the road who are distracted or otherwise not driving safely. For those of us […]
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Changing Your Name After Divorce
A common part of starting over after divorce is for a person, generally, a woman who had taken on the last name of her former husband, to change her name back to her maiden name. While really anyone can have their name changed in Arkansas, there will be some paperwork and multiple steps in the […]
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Stay Safe on the Roads this Winter
We have already seen some devastating weather patterns this winter in Arkansas. In addition to the wet and icy conditions of winter, there have also been extreme wind patterns and even tornados crashing through the state. With winter still a reality for us for a few more months, it continues to be important to stay […]
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Mistakes Co-Parents Make Once the Holidays are Over
Yes, the holidays can be a great source of joy and time for family. It can be a time to celebrate and make memories. Let us not forget, however, that the holidays can also be a struggle. Memories of Christmases and holidays past can be a source of joy and sorrow. If you are co-parenting […]
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Jury Selection and Your Personal Injury Case
Once you have reached maximum medical improvement (MMI) for your accident injuries, your attorney is likely to submit a demand letter to the insurance company providing coverage to the person at-fault for causing your accident injuries. The demand letter will detail what happened in the accident itself, your injuries, your medical treatment for your injuries, […]
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How to Deal with Divorce During the Holidays
Are you heading into your first post-divorce holiday season? Even under the best of circumstances, the holidays can be difficult. It is a reality that, even though the holiday season can be filled with family, fun, and joy, it can also be stressful and emotional. Compound this with having undergone a major family restructuring in […]
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Pre-existing Conditions And Your Personal Injury Claim
Few among us can say that we have never been injured, ill, or sought medical treatment for these things or some other health condition. The aches and pains of life are far from rare. When you are injured in an accident, however, these things may suddenly get the ominous label of “pre-existing conditions” and all […]
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Reasons for Unequal Division of Marital Assets
Laws concerning the division of marital property in a divorce differ between states. Arizona is an equitable distribution state. This means that Arizona law requires an equitable, or fair, division of marital assets. Of course, some couples are able to reach an agreement about how the marital property will be divided or they can reach […]
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Considerations for Divorcing Before Retirement
The number of couples divorcing later in life has reached an all-time high in recent years. Sometimes referred to as “gray divorces,” it is now fairly common for couples to nearer to retirement to divorce. This can be due to a number of reasons. For instance, maybe the kids have grown up and they are […]
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The Role of Constitutional Violations in a Defense
The U.S. Constitution provides foundational rights for all Americans. These rights remain intact for those suspected of criminal activity and for those facing criminal charges. If your rights have been violated during any step that led to you being charged with a crime, then there may be certain remedies available or made available to you […]
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