Personal injury law may sound like something that you do not need to know about or get involved with, but, should you be injured in a motor vehicle accident, having a basic understanding can be very helpful. For instance, did you know that establishing liability is a critical element in pursuing compensation in a personal […]
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Is UM/UIM Coverage Worth It?
Arkansas has minimum insurance requirements for all drivers to carry. Arkansas law mandates that drivers carry a minimum of $25,000 per person, $50,000 per accident in bodily injury protection. Additionally, drivers must carry $25,000 per accident in property damage coverage. If a person is caught operating a vehicle without having this required insurance coverage, he […]
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What Does a Typical Personal Injury Case Look Like?
To the person who is injured, a personal injury case is anything but typical. For many people, their first experience with the injury claims process is because of an accident, such as a car accident or a fall. They are unsure what to expect as they file their insurance claim and wait for an insurance […]
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